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Whether it's your first event ever, or your biggest event yet, Ticket Tailor makes it simple to sell tickets online.

Getting started


  • The production API is found at:

  • All API requests are made via HTTPS. Only TLSv1.2 and higher are supported.

  • All data in a response is JSON.

  • Clients should include the header - Accept: application/json in their requests.

  • Currencies are represented by their [ISO 4217] Currency code (

  • Currency values are always in cents (or equivalent), with no decimals.

Sign up

If you haven't already, create a Ticket Tailor account. When prompted, fill out details to create a box office. Api keys are associated to the box office, meaning an api key can only access data from the box office that issued it.


The Ticket Tailor API uses API key to authenticate requests. You can manage your API keys in your box office settings. Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth.

When manually adding the API key to the Authorization header, ensure it is Base64 encoded in the format: Authorization: Basic Base64Encode(api_key).

curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic c2tfMTAwMF8xMDAwX1ZHbGphMlYwVkdGcGJHOXk='